
Bootcamps are all about hands-on experimentation and experiential learning. That means that you’ll get to play with cool tools and datasets, to reinvent the way that you research and report the news. Here are a couple of resources to get you started:

resourcesThe Data Journalism Handbook is a free, open source reference book for anyone interested in the emerging field of data journalism.





sfjScraping for Journalists introduces you to a range of scraping techniques – from very simple scraping techniques which are no more complicated than a spreadsheet formula, to more complex challenges such as scraping databases or hundreds of documents. At every stage you’ll see results – but you’ll also be building towards more ambitious and powerful tools.





oaOpenAFRICA is a new ‘citizen run’ mirror to government’s data portals. It seeks to collate everything from NGO and university research, to public interest information that has been liberated from government and private companies by whistleblowers or activists using the country’s Promotion of Access to Information Act.





csCivicSource is the central repository for apps, sites, or digital services built at earlier bootcamps or at affiliated events such as the Code4Democracy and DataLiberation hackathons, or built by ‘sister’ programmes such as Code4Kenya.